ZeroMQ and Ubuntu 10.04.1 Problems


Today I've been trying to get my ticker plant running on Ubuntu 10.04.1 as we're moving to Ubuntu at The Shop. I thought it would be easy, as all the other packages were installed by the UnixAdmins. All I needed to do was to git clone and then make and we're ready to go.

Well... not so fast, there bucko.

First, GCC now wants to warn for:

  char *list[] = { "first", "second" };

saying that you can't assign a string constant to a char *. The solution is to change the code to read:

  char *list[] = { (char *)"first", (char *)"second" };

or the slightly more cryptic:

  char const * const list[] = { "first", "second" };

Not too bad. I got the code to compile. Now to run it. Ooopppsss... no good there. Seems that the Ubuntu interfaces aren't allowed for the ZeroMQ/OpenPGM sockets. Specifically, if you run the code, you're going to get an error on line 68 - the call to connect(). But on CentOS5, it runs fine.

I had to make sure the gist illuminated the problem, and then I sent it to the ZeroMQ mailing list. I sure hope Sustrik has some idea about what's up. I really need to have it work on Ubuntu as I have clients on Ubuntu, and we had plans to move the servers to Ubuntu very soon. Hope it's good news, soon.

[1/25] UPDATE: I don't think it's Ubuntu as much as it's the master of the ZeroMQ git repo. I looked at the code and in sub.cpp line 27, the SUB constructor is calling the XSUB constructor (file xsub.cpp line 33) and in there, the code:

  options.type = ZMQ_XSUB;
  options.requires_in = true;
  options.requires_out = true;

and in the socket_base.cpp class, line 195, it's clear that if you are trying to use the epgm protocol, and if you have options.require_in and options.require_out set, you're not going to be allowed. I mentioned this to Sustrik, the lead maintainer of ZeroMQ, and sure enough, he agreed that this was a recent change, and that it was going to be a problem.

For me, the solution is easier - use the tarball that I built the RPMs off of, and install that guy. It works, and doesn't have this problem. Later, when they get this solved, and other bugs fixed, we'll get a more recent cut and rebuild all the packages.