Starting Yet Another Broker Rewrite


This morning I get to start on yet another rewrite of the Broker. The Java version of the Broker is a lot more complex than they were hoping it'd be, it's not really bug-free, and getting it that way is looking to be a daunting task. Additionally, it looks like there's still not going to be an easy route for a Python client, and that's looking over everyone's head. So we sat down a while back, and came up with another plan.

Every service is a web server. Every client is an HTTP client. That's about as universal as possible.

The sockets will be pooled. The connections gracefully handled. The Python libraries exist. It's a very simple model. We can use persistence, or not, and the end result is that the code will be vastly simpler.

So today I'm starting to look at the code for the service in C++. I need a nice, embeddable web server, and then I'll use cURL as the client-side component and get everything I need. Sure, I could do the client and server in boost ASIO, but then I'm decoding the headers and hassling with the SSL implementation, and that's too much work. I'm going to try and make this as simple as possible from the implementation side of things.

Should be interesting. Here we go...

UPDATE: might have spoken too soon... I think it's likely that we're going back to the Erlang version of the Broker - the first version. We could put an HTTP interface on it and it'd solve all the problems. We'll see what the Broker's author thinks after looking into it for a while.