Created a US Options Expiration Calendar


This morning I was lamenting that the US Options Expiration calendar that I've been subscribed to for a few years now had a problem, and it was no longer available on iCal Exchange. I think from this note, it was lost, and the author never republished it. So I got tired of lamenting and did something about it. I went to the CBOE page and created a new US Options Expiration calendar. It took me all of about 15 mins and I'm sitting here now wondering why I didn't do this a long time ago.

Anyway... it's got the normal equity option expiration, as well as the VIX expiration and even the quarterly expirations. It's nothing fancy, but it's decent. I tried to keep the event titles as small as possible to make them look nice on my small iCal window, but it's a matter of taste, and that's the way it goes.

Use it if you want. I'll update it every year so you won't have to worry about that.