Working on Lisp-Like Parser Functions (cont.)

Whew! It's been a heck of a day... again. Today I was able to get a complete first cut of the lisp-like parser all done and checked-in. As with yesterday, the bulk of the work was really on the variant class and then just a little work in the functions of the parser. Today it was math operations and equality tests. I didn't think about it at the time, but my equality tests were more restrictive than I really wanted.

For example, originally, if I had the code:

  variant   v(25.0);
  if (v == 25) {

it would fail. Why? Because the variant is a 'double', and the test is an integer. I had two different data types for these - as opposed to one "number" type. While that seems like a little thing, it's not - the rounding and the storage, not to mention the serialization size, all favor heavily the two distinct types.

So I had to go in and re-write all the equality and inequality operators to take this into account. Not horrible, but again, it was a few hours to get everything done right.

Thankfully, it's all done now, and the tests run great.