The Little Things – Changing the Favicons for My HostMonster Sites

OK, it's a little thing, but these days, I'm looking for the little things to help out as these times are tough... but enough of that. One of the things I've been wanting to do for a while is to really improve the quality of my 'favicons' on my HostMonster sites so that it's a little better than my initials and also a little cleaner separation on the different sites so they don't all obviously look like part of one site.

I found a nice little site that had a ton of nice, public domain 16x16 icons perfect for such a use as mine. I had a blast looking at a few pages of icons and picking out a few to clean up a bit and then throw on the sites. It's not a lot, but the effect - to me, is significant.

It's the little things we have to focus on... the biggies are just too daunting to approach these days.