Transition Out? Nah… Beat that Dead Horse… Er… Cow, Eh?


This is an interesting experience. When I have given notice that I'm leaving at other companies, it's been "Thanks, let's get everything out of your head before you leave" and I'd go through a series of meetings - some with just a few folks, others with a much larger audience, and I'd present, they'd question me... You know - a typical debriefing. That's what I expected here.

I couldn't have been more wrong.

While there have been a few emails and a few conversations, the largest component of my transition period is doing work. I can see taking the time to finish up things that I can fit into the two weeks I have left. That makes sense - I'm spending a day or so on something that would take another developer several days to get up to speed on. It's just reasonable efficiency.

But Ralph is going much farther than that. He's asking me to start and finish new work. He also wants me to stay for three weeks. Well... following this logic, why don't I stay for another 3 years and do all the new projects?

Oh that's right... I quit!

This transition time is me being nice and professional, and in return, I'm being treated like a cow (again) - stay as long as I say... do all that I ask... Sorry Ralph, I don't think so.

So if it continues tomorrow, it's time to go have a talk with HR. This isn't what they want to have done, I'm sure. It's my final impression of this place, and they'd rather it end on nice, friendly terms, than have me walk out of here and tell everyone I know of the lunatic managers in this place.