MarsEdit 3.0.1 is Out

MarsEdit 3

This morning I noticed that MarsEdit 3.0.1 was out and included in the fixes is the bug I reported about using the file:// URL in the template preview! This is really nice because now I don't have to go through apache to get to a file on my box. Very nice, indeed.

Still a great way to post to WordPress... love it to pieces.

UPDATE: I found a little bug in the HTML highlighting in 3.0.1 and sent it to Daniel. The point was that in a pre block, the "less-than-sign" should not be the start of a tag - necessarily, and in one of my code samples, it was in an expression and the rest of the editor window was messed up because of that. I'm not sure how he'll solve it, but I'm sure he'll give it a go.