Unfortunate Quick Trip to the Dentist

This morning at breakfast I felt a nasty CRUNCH! when biting down on my cereal, and didn't think a lot of it at the time. It's Smart Start, and it's got nuts and crunchy bits, so I thought Wow, that's one crunchy bit and finished by breakfast. When I was done, I noticed something a little different on my last upper molar. It was missing a piece!

Yeah, I'm a serious dental-phobic, and so the thought if having a chipped molar was pretty upsetting. I was at work, so I had to stay calm, but inside, I was freaking out. It was not a great time. So I did what any chicken in my position would do - I texted my wife and asked her what I should do.

OK, I'm not proud that I'm a chicken, but at least I have the good sense to surround myself with people that love me enough to pick up the slack when I need it.

She asked if I wanted to get into the dentist's office. Yeah... I did.

She was kind enough to call and get me in today at 1:30.

So I'm taking off to catch the only train that will get me home in time to see the dentist. Too bad it's a local, and will take me about two hours door to door.

Not looking forward to this.

UPDATE: they 'reconstructed' the tooth by taking out the remainder of the old filling on that one tooth, and building up the tooth with a new filling. While I'm not going to say it was "fun" or "easy", it was done with a minimum of pain, and I was out and home to recover by 3:00.