Decided to Pick up Books on Groovy and Clojure

Given the way things have been heading at The Shop lately, I thought it would be a good idea to pick up a book on Groovy and another on Clojure. I didn't know nearly enough about them to be efficient and proficient with them, and I have a feeling that if things continue to develop as they have, I'll be needing them sooner, rather than later.

I have heard a little about Clojure, and it's an interesting take on solving the concurrency problem with software. I can see why it's popular, and it'll be interesting to see it in action, but Groovy was a complete mystery to me.

After the first few pages, I can see it's a Ruby-style of language with extensions to any and all objects. Looks interesting. I haven't done a lot with Ruby, and as Groovy is Java-based, it should work well into what I do. We'll have to see.

Anyway... picking up new tools is always fun.