Being Remembered by Fellow Commuters


I just got into work after having one of the nicest commuter experiences that I've ever had. I was sitting in the train, on one of the two-person bench seats, and the train was pulling into the station. As is their custom, many people stand in the aisle - effectively blocking in those people that are sitting in the bench seats. When I was getting ready to get off the train - though it hadn't yet stopped, he looked at me and said:

"You go ahead, you've let me go when I was up there." gesturing to the upper deck seats in the car.

I was floored. He remembered not only that someone had helped him once or twice, but that it was me that had helped him.

It's something to go through a lot of your life thinking you're pretty invisible. I know sixteen years with kids makes you feel pretty invisible. But this guy remembered.

I felt very special.