Base 1.4 is Out


This morning I was thinking about SQLite3 and decided to check and see if Base had been upgraded since the last time I checked. It's a great little tool for SQLite3 database, and there's a lot to like there. SQLite3 is the backbone of CoreData, and it's been shown to be a great alternative to a config file or even an application's data file. SQLite3 is a single file database, and it's fast.

So I checked, and sure enough, Base 1.4 was out with a few nice improvements: CVS loading, SQL loading, and a lot of nice exporting file formats. Impressive. I'm not sure I'll use all them, but to have these in this nice, minimalistic tool is a really nice feature.

It makes me want to mess with CoreData - or just get into more Mac development. Darn, it looks like a lot more fun than what I'm doing now.