Miracles Don’t Warrant Attention Any Longer


Well... maybe it's the Slump talking, but today I was asked to put in a feature quickly and in less than two hours I had a new view of the data available to my clients just like they'd asked for. Two hours. One would call that pretty nice - maybe even pretty wild. But today it didn't even warrant a "Nice job!" email.

I'm sure they expect this from me now, and that's a double-edge sword. One one hand, it's great because I can then expect impressive bonuses, but on the other hand, it's expected now, and if I just do a "good" job, it's seen as me 'slipping'.

Everyone likes to hear that what they are doing is appreciated. I'm no different. I don't require it, but there are times when I hammer out a new feature on a 'rush' schedule and it'd be nice to hear something. Oh well... I do it for myself. I do it because I'm who I am.

It's just a little tough to take this hit in the middle of a slump. But I'll get over it. I always do.

[8/18] UPDATE: I did get a 'good job' email today, so I guess it was noticed. It helps.