Base 1.3.2 is Out


I haven't been keeping really good tabs on Base recently, but this morning I was thinking about an interesting take on SQLite3 in Mac OS X development voiced by a pretty good developer a while back. Basically, he sees SQLite3 on the Mac as an easy way to skip using fopen() ever again, and to that I can see his point: if you're using files to save data, be it parameters, or application data, you can use a file and deal with encoding and decoding, or you can simply use a database that's a single file and have it organized any way you like.

It's a neat concept. Using a database system as an alternative to the standard file formats. When that happens, it's easy to dig into the file and see what data you've written - as opposed to making a custom file reader/displayer. Slick.

Anyway, Base is a nice GUI tool for the Mac that would be that GUI viewer tool for SQLite3 databases. Today's update to v1.3.2 means it's moving along nicely which is a real treat.