Day Three – My First Really Smooth Day


I have to say that it felt really good today to have a smooth day - no worries, no sense that I'm totally behind everything... I know it's going to take time, but it's just so unusual for me to be so new, it was a little unsettling. This team, friends, and Liza, as always, have really helped me through these tough days. Oh, I'm sure they aren't all gone, but I've been around the block a few times, and once I get my feet firmly on the new ground, I'm not worried about that.

In a few days, I'll be here a week. That's a big milestone for me. Also, it'll mean one guy is back and I need to get a good understanding of his project so we can expand/enhance it and deliver it to more desks in the firm. It'll be exciting to see all the phases of that here, and then get even more comfortable with the process.

Yes, things are getting better, and I'm very glad for that.