Second Day at the New Job – Less Flopping, More Progress


Well... I had a better day today. Sure, it's still Day 2, and I mean really - what can I expect from myself, here, but I'm hardest on myself and strive to make a difference even when there's no possible serious expectation of same. After all, if I had been at my old job and a new guy came in on Day 2, would I expect him to make a significant difference? Nope. I'd want him to learn how things are done - then make the significant difference.

I'm sure in a month, this will all seem like a bad dream, but I have to live it now, and it's uncomfortable, but getting better. I think it's important to show the kids that even adults are as uncomfortable starting a new job as they are going to a new school - or starting their first job. It's human nature.

But I had a few flashes of good today, and that's keeping me going. I know I can do this, it's just going to take time to get going.