I thought it might be nice to get gEdit running on sparky and since I had built ORBit and gonme-libs for another tool, I thought it would be relatively easy to get it built. Boy, was I wrong. But in the end, it was a good thing to do.

The building took a few days and most of this was seeing what had to be accomplished and then doing it. Lots to do and no place that wrote down the build order. Too bad.

  • bzip2 - while you can get this from SunFreeware, it doesn't include the libraries and the headers that are needed. Build it as both static linked and dynamic for greatest flexibility.
  • guile - easy to build not much to say about it.
  • popt - useful library as I've come to see, and it's pretty easy to build.
  • indent - useful pretty-print routines for ORBit and many other tools - used as an additional service.
  • ORBit - essential CORBA GNOME services.
  • Oaf - services built upon ORBit and popt.
  • GConf - important libraries for GNOME.
  • gnome-libs - useful stuff and pretty low-level. Not many dependencies here.
  • gnome-print - printing utilities for GNOME, very low-level.
  • gnome-common - common docs and a few scripts, not nearly as much as one might think.
  • libxml - important XML libraries.
  • libxml2 - second generation of the above library.
  • bonobo - component model built on ORBit.
  • libunicode - low-level unicode support for GNOME.
  • gal - the GNOME Application Library - quite useful and essential for GNOME tools.
  • gtkhtml - a GTK HTML widget that seems pretty nice, but as a sister tool in gnome-core.
  • scrollkeeper - a documentation tool.
  • gnome-vfs - virtual filesystem support for GNOME.
  • control-center - essential libraries and goodies for GNOME including the CApplet library.
  • gnome-core - the essential applications and applets for the GNOME desktop.

After all these are built and installed correctly, the system is ready to roll... you can get the gEdit source and it builds cleanly and works like a charm. I did most of this on Friday and the in the evenings over the weekend. I'm glad it's done as it bring sparky to almost a complete GNOME system along with my other recent Unix machines which is nice. gEdit is fast and doesn't show a significant load on the machine, so it's nice to have gone through the trouble to figure out the dependencies and built everything for this box.