Giddy with GNOME

I was thinking that since I had most of GNOME built, I'd get gnumeric going as well... well... that turned out to be a significant addition. Here's what I had to do to get it going:

  • gperf - from the GNU mirrors, it's a nice hash function (so they say).
  • gb - GNOME Basic which is of marginal use in that gnumeric doesn't work with all versions, and so this can really be left out without any real loss.
  • libglade - this was an upgrade as I needed the latest version.
  • glade - ditto - upgrading one means getting the latest of the other.
  • libole2 - linking and embedding library.
  • libxslt - maybe not necessary, but since I was there getting stuff, I got it.
  • libgtop - profiling library for GNOME.
  • gtop - app to profile a system.
  • Error 0.13 - this is a perl module needed for ORBit's CORBA::ORBit interface.
  • CORBA-ORBit - this is a perl interface for ORBit.
  • GNOME-GNORBA - this is a higher level interface for GNOME and ORBit.
  • gnome-python - this is the python interfaces to GNOME.
  • gnome-objc - these are the Obj-C interfaces to GNOME.
  • gnome-utils - these are general utils from the GNOME collection.
  • libgda - the GNOME Database Adaptor for generic database access.
  • gnome-db - the Access-like tool for GNOME databases.
  • gnumeric - the spreadsheet.

Maybe if I have time I'll look into writing CORBA plugins for gnumeric just to see how it goes together.

Today I went downtown for an interview with Bank of America. It took several hours, and here's hoping that I hear from them tomorrow with good news. I could really use some good news.

I got word from Leslie on the hosting and moved the files up in preparation for the hosting. Looking very good... They left out the information about the PostgreSQL database - how to connect to it, accounts, etc. so I had Leslie ask them. Once I get that I'll be able to go in and set up the database and get the site rockin'. Then it's a simple matter of telling Network Solutions to use a different DNS for and it'll be live. Very nice to be so close to getting it working.