Numbers is an Amazing Tool

Today I've been tracking the disk space used by my feed recorders with the mis-configured drive arrays. It's important that I don't blow out the drives before I move the software into production because this data is very important to the high-frequency trading operations, and we have to have at least one reliable copy of the data.

So I tracked the disk usage for the three boxes: prod, dev, and backup prod. The first, prod, was running the old code that had no issues, the other two were running the new code that had issues with the disk space. But, after the reconfiguration, it appears to have been solved. I then set up crontabs on each box to send me the output of df -k, and then I started tracking it.

I put it all in Numbers, and here you have it:

ArcSvr Disk Usage

It's just an amazing tool. Sure, you can do all this in Excel, but that's not with the Mac style and that's just as big a part of this as the data. It's just plain fun!