Tricking a C++ Union into Having Methods


I've got an interesting problem that I sure wish I'd checking into the linux C libraries a lot more before getting too far into this, but so it goes... It's the old UUID problem. It's a 16-byte, unsigned number, but it's far too big to hold in one atomic data element, so it's often a union:

  union UUID {
    uint8_t   bytes[16];
    uint16_t  words[8];
    uint64_t  blocks[2];

but the problem with this union is that you can't do something like this:

  UUID   a;
  UUID   b;
  a = b;


  UUID   a;
  UUID   b;
  // ...
  if (a = b) {
    // do something...

C++ just doesn't allow for the default operator=() or operator==() overloading like it does the default constructor, the default (shallow) copy constructor, etc. You have to build these things into a class.

However, there is one nice thing that these unions allow: it's the un-biased use of the union as the start of it's member data. For example, if we have:

  UUID   a;
  // ...
  memcpy(&a, src, 16);

we can write the 16-bytes of data into the union's elements by simply referencing the UUID itself. This is not the case with a class. There's the vtable, and that ends up throwing off all the offsets for the ivar data.

But what can a guy do to get these methods on a union?

The Answer is really the anonymous union:

  struct UUID {
    union {
      uint8_t   bytes[16];
      uint16_t  words[8];
      uint64_t  blocks[2];
    // the constructor/destructor set...
    UUID( const UUID & anOther );
    UUID & operator=()( UUID & anOther );
    UUID & operator=()( const UUID & anOther );
    // the equality/inequality operators...
    bool operator==( const UUID & anOther ) const;
    bool operator!=( const UUID & anOther ) const;
    bool operator<( const UUID & anOther ) const;
    bool operator>( const UUID & anOther ) const;
    bool operator<=( const UUID & anOther ) const;
    bool operator>=( const UUID & anOther ) const;

where I added in the inequality operators so the UUID could be used in a std::map as a key. The problem now is that I'd really love to have the following still work:

  UUID   a;
  // ...
  memcpy(&a, src, 16);

but it won't. I have to reference the first part of the data to get past the vtable, etc.

  UUID   a;
  // ...
  memcpy(&a.blocks[0], src, 16);

It's not horrible, but it's no better than really building a class. I got the syntax I wanted, but the consequences weren't without their costs. Kind of bumming to get it all going and then remember the vtable, but that's life.