Finishing Up the New Client Library


This morning I finally finished up the client library I've been working on for a while. I finished up yesterday with it functional, but not the way I wanted it. I spent a little time this morning cleaning up the code - adding comments here and there, and clearing out the logging using only during the debugging phase.

Nothing very exciting so far...

Then I was beginning to think that I might be able to get the best of both worlds with the existing design. One of the problems with my one request - one socket is that we can possibly end up with a ton of sockets in use. We can also be spending a lot of time creating them, only to tear them down right away. Not as efficient as it could be.

Yet I didn't want to have the one bad apple problem, so I think I've got a nice idea that I'm going to be putting into the codebase this morning - pooling of sockets. It's a simple thing - have a list of "unused" socket connections, and when a request comes in, grab one from the list, or if there are non there, create one. Then, as you use it, great. Everything is isolated. Then, when you're done with it, return it to the pool, and it'll get re-used the next time someone needs one.

Very simple, but the socket stays open, all the resources stay allocated, and in general, we have the best of both worlds. Very nice. That's going to be my morning - pretty excited about it.