My First Anniversary


Well... today is one year at The Shop, and it's been an eventful year. I expected to be behind the curve on the existing systems for a while, and I was, and then I expected to get some traction and make some really good progress, and that happened too. I'm a little surprised that after just a year I'm entertaining the idea of leaving. It's not that people here are bad, it's that they seem to very reliably make the tactical decision - always favoring the give it to me now! answer as opposed to thinking that putting in an extra 10% would yield a vastly superior product.

I understand the logic - and given that they have been operating in this mode for years, it's logical that they don't see the need or value in doing it another way. But I'm not used to this. I find it really quite short-sighted and while I understand that sometimes you have to do the immediate fix, it's not what you should always go to, and here, it's more the rule to do that than the exception.

So it's been a year. Yippee!

But it's been a heck of a year.