Just Slugging it Out

Today has been a good day and a bad day - just depends on how you look at it. I've realized a few things today - the ideas have been crystalizing for a while, but today they can into laser focus. The Shop is consistently focused on the gimme now! answer no matter the cost of the better, long term solution. This isn't some of the time, or even most of the time. No, it's all of the time.

I'm used to a little more of a balance, and not spending all my time fighting fires. I get to do little things - but they can't take more than a day or two before they are considered "back burner" projects and I'm asked to re-focus on things that will make my manager look good to the other partners in the Shop. It's not a bad motivation, and he's not the only one doing this, so I can't really say he's the problem. No... it's the entire place that's like this.

I've just gotten tired.

I want a rest.

So I asked to start working at home.

It went over about as well as I had guessed - which is to say that it didn't go over well at all. But I didn't expect it to.


Oh well... I've had a nice run here.