Finally Getting to Make Some Nice Progress Today

Today started off very nicely. I fixed up a few more things on my web app and was able to get rid of the fixed calendar on two pages and replace it with a pop-up version of the same calendar. It allowed me to free up a nice 200x200 px area that I really needed to free up for some other GUI elements. It was really nice to get something done and make progress on something.

I was then able to keep moving and add a new feature to the web app and allow a few interesting aggregations on the client. It was interestingly easy - I took the data, had the mappings from the existing columns to the aggregating columns and then simply run through all the rows collecting the data into the aggregate columns. Simple. One nice little function in the code and a few GUI widgets and we're good to go.

It's been very nice to get real progress made today. No problems with legacy apps... no never-ending performance problems... it's nice to make progress.