Moving Work Development Boxes

Today I finally had time to finish my move to the new development 'server' box in the server-room. It's a little 4-core 1U box, but it's what the "standard" development server is. So be it. I needed access to more memory than my desktop would hold, and this guy is capable of holding 192GB - which is nice, but it'll start with 32GB and see how we go from there.

Since I have no root access, I have to check a few things, ask a few things to be changed, and repeat until everything is set up as I need it. Not exactly hard, but it's detail work that needs to be done right so that should I need to build another box, they'll be able to use this as a template and stamp them out quite nicely.

After I got done with the move, I made a few much needed GUI changes to my web app. The fixed calendar was just taking up too much room and it had to go. Thankfully, it's also easily made into a pop-up calendar, with an INPUT tag associated with the value. It took a little messing with divs, but I got something that looks pretty nice, and now there's a lot more room on the page for new GUI features. Not bad.