Hulu Desktop 0.9.6 is Out


I read a tweet about DVRs and Hulu Desktop and decided to see if they had an update, and sure enough they did - 0.9.6 is out and it's got a nice new feature - it allows you to pick what you want the app to do on startup. I don't like it to start playing the last thing I was watching because, frankly, I've already watched it. No, I like it to go to the "favorites" menu so that maybe I'll see something that might catch my eye.

This is still one of the slickest apps that shows TV and movies to the desktop. I don't mind the commercials as it's targeted and I'd have to watch them on TV anyway. It's the cost of watching, I understand.

I also love that the web page for Hulu Desktop shows House, MD - one of my favorite TV shows.