Continuing to be Amazed by the iPhone 3GS


Well, this weekend I decided to see how my iPhone 3GS handled getting calls. I have to admit that I've yet to actually receive a call on the phone - sticking mostly to text messages, apps, email, and the other smartphone features. I wanted to hear the ring, see how it handles the calls, and then set up and check the usage of my voicemail.

Pretty much, it's Apple all the way - class, ease of use, and exactly what you'd expect. But then there was the Voicemail. I was totally blown away.

Maybe it's because I've been using corporate voicemail too long, or maybe it's the old answering machines - I don't know, but when I realized that the iPhone downloaded the voicemail to the iPhone so that you can easily see who it's from, play (or re-play) it over and over, save it or delete it - all with the ease of text messages or email, I was completely blown away.

This had never even occurred to me as a possibility. I was thinking I was stuck with the horrible "press 7 to listen to the message" for the rest of my existence. No longer. I have seen the absolutely beautiful way that these engineers and designers have looked into the way you'd use a smartphone and made this do just exactly that.


I have to tell people that this alone, is a good enough reason to get an iPhone. The rest is gravy, but the ability to deal effectively with voicemail is something that every technology device connected to the phone system should learn from.

Simply amazing.

I'll never have anything other than an iPhone as long as they make them. It's only been a few weeks and already it's a life-changing device. I didn't think it possible. Stunning.