There’s Blood in the Water – I’m Glad to be Getting Out


No doubt about it, there's blood in the water. This morning they let go two developers - one consultant and another employee. I'm guessing the employee got a decent severance package, but I have no first-hand knowledge on that point. The consultant, I'm guessing got nothing - it's the way of the employee/consultant world, as it were.

I don't know the details, but I'm certain this has everything to do with the markets and the staff cuts that started about a month ago in the Front Office. If it happened there, then I knew then, it eventually had to come to the IT group - developers and support staff. We just didn't know when.

What's a little shocking is that the employee was here for as long as I've been here - and yet I outlasted him by a single day. I'm guessing he had no idea it was coming, and that's no good for anyone. If you were at least in the process of making plans, then the layoff might not come as a complete surprise. But if you had no idea it was coming... well... then it can be a real kick in the belly.

No fun, in those cases.

I'm not sure I'll keep in touch with these guys, we weren't really close most of the time they have been here, but it's still sad to see the blood flow - for anyone.

UPDATE: I was amazed to learn that even more people than I knew were part of the layoffs. Also, that the management didn't even allow them the courtesy of clearing out their desks! I've seen some of the most unpopular people fired from this place - with security personnel standing by their desks as they packed to go. But they at least had the opportunity to pack their things.

What happened yesterday was nothing short of embarrassing. Any employer participating in this kind of behavior towards simple layoffs (as opposed to felony arrests) should be ashamed if itself. There's no possible, defensible, excusable reason for it. None. That it happened today is confirmation that this place has changed. And not for the better.