Amazon Releases ‘Kindle for iPhone’ App – Nice


This morning I read about Amazon released an iPhone/iPod Touch app called 'Kindle for the iPhone' and I have to say I'm pretty darn pleased that they did. While the screen on my iPod Touch is not as big as my Kindle (1.0) screen, it's still nice that I can take a book or two or 50 with me on my iPod and read. The iPod screen is bright, easy to handle, and you really can't beat the convenience of having two ways to read my books.

I'm guessing they use the WiFi to talk to Amazon and permission the reader - not bad. I see that an iPhone would be a lot better at this, but that's not what I have, nor do I plan on getting one now. But it's a nice app, and I'm certainly going to try it out and see how it goes.

Good job, Amazon.

UPDATE: after downloading a few of my books from Amazon I'm really quite pleased with the interface. It's clean, easy to read, and a real treat. Not something I'd use all the time, but it's really not bad. Again, if I had an iPhone then it'd be great. The Kindle has the EVDO link, as does the iPhone, but my iPod is a little more limited with it's WiFi. But still - it's nice to have.