Archive for October, 2018

Big Move: Shutting Down Google Chrome

Monday, October 8th, 2018

Code Clean Up

This morning, while looking at Google Chrome on my work laptop, and with John Gruber's words ringing in my head:

Man oh man, did Google hit the Mac version of Chrome with the ugly stick or what? Worst looking tabs I’ve ever seen — they look like a rendering bug.

and to be fair, that's what I thought of the changes they put in, yet after working with it for a few weeks I was more accepting of it's new design. But that was just me getting used to it - it wasn't that I was seeing the design factors they were going for.

So this morning, I just decided that on my laptop, I'd stop using it. There was a time that Chrome was a great alternative to IE, yes - on the Mac, and Firefox wasn't really all there, and Safari was still getting going, and if you wanted to have a fast, stable, browser, you went with Chrome. Period.

But those days are no more. Chrome is not a good citizen of the machine - it's got real tracking and security concerns, and in general, I just was getting tired of looking at the app that didn't at all look like a Mac app when I was posting and viewing my blog. So enough. It's over.

I'm using Safari Technology Preview because I like to test what's coming, and while I would not use it for my "main" browser activities, I am more than happy to use it for viewing the blog, and making my football picks with some old friends. Nothing is critical, and everything is OK.

We will see who this goes - I'm betting it'll be just fine, and I'll be happier to not be running a Google app that doesn't look like they wanted to make a native Mac app. That's up to them - and fine if that's what they want to do - I just don't have to like it. Or run it.

Fantastic Postgres Client – Postico

Friday, October 5th, 2018


I was updating my macOS 10.14 Mojave install to get Apache + PHP + Postgres working, and I realized that I probably never wrote up this great Postgres client for macOS - Postico. When I saw it, and how complete and efficient the UI was, I knew I had to buy it - just to support more development like this.

Normally, I'm a psql guy because I'm far faster on the command line than I am in a GUI - it's just the number of hours and the fingers are always on the keyboard. Plus, let's face it - the feature set of psql is very impressive - I've got it in scripts, and you can pass in variables for insertion into your scripts... it's just pretty amazing. But still... great design needs to be supported, and this is one that really needs the support.

Postico Results

There are so many things I like about this UI. First, it's efficient - you have a query window, and then a table of results. I wrote something like this many years ago, and I had the same UI - but I stopped there. They didn't, and I'm glad they didn't. They then filled in the window title bar with the connection information and the status of the connection. They even let me know if it's local or remote. Lots of good stuff there at a quick glance.

Then we can look at the footer of the window - we can export this data in a variety of forms, and it lets us know the row count, if the query was successful, and the time required. This is all great stuff, and it doesn't chew up a ton of screen real estate, but it's all there - efficient

There is a lot more to this guy - as a Mac app, you'd expect multiple connections to different databases - and you get that as well. I've never really needed it - but again, I'd just open up several terminal windows and then run psql in each. But it's great to know that they spent the time to get all the details right.

Anyway... maybe I'll use it a lot - someday... but I love supporting great designs, and this is a really good one.

Getting Apache 2.4.34 + PHP 7.1.19 Going on macOS 10.14 Mojave

Friday, October 5th, 2018


This morning I thought I'd perform the ritual of getting the old web development tools that I've used in the past going again - this time on macOS 10.14 Mojave. Now I haven't used PHP in ages, but I've still got code and databases for Postgres to use that - so it makes sense to get this all working again, and it's always fun to see how things work out.

Getting PostgreSQL 10.3

Loads of coverage here about Postgres, and it's just so simple to get the latest version from Homebrew:

  $ brew install postgresql

I've even posted how to upgrade from major version differences, so it's easy to get the latest Postgres running on your box, and the tools are just superb.

Activating UserDir in Apache 2.4.34

As in the previous updates, the UserDir extension is not enabled by default, so we need to get that going right away. This enables the code to be run from the development directories, and that's a big time-saver. First, we need to enable the UserDir module in Apache, and then make a specific config file for the user in question. Start by editing /etc/apache2/httpd.conf and line 174 needs to be uncommented to read:

  LoadModule userdir_module libexec/apache2/

and then similarly on line 511 uncomment the line to read:

  Include /private/etc/apache2/extra/httpd-userdir.conf

Next, make sure that the file we just included is set up right for including the user
directories. Edit /etc/apache2/extra/httpd-userdir.conf and line 16 needs to be uncommented to read:

  Include /private/etc/apache2/users/*.conf

At this point, you need to make sure you have at least one file in the /etc/apache2/users/ directory for each user, like: drbob.conf:

  <Directory "/Users/drbob/Sites/">
      Options FollowSymLinks Indexes MultiViews ExecCGI
      Require all granted

where the last line - Require all granted is new as of Apache 2.4, and without it you will get errors like:

  [Thu Dec 18 10:41:32.385093 2014] [authz_core:error] [pid 55994]
    [client fe80::7a31:c1ff:fed2:ca2c:58108] AH01630: client denied by server
    configuration: /Users/drbob/Sites/info.php

Activating PHP in Apache

The mext thing to do is to activate PHP in the supplied Apache 2 with macOS 10.14. This is line 177 in the file - /etc/apache2/httpd.conf and you need to uncomment it to read:

  LoadModule php7_module libexec/apache2/

and then verify a file called /etc/apache2/other/php7.conf exists and contains:

  <IfModule php7_module>
    AddType application/x-httpd-php .php
    AddType application/x-httpd-php-source .phps
    <IfModule dir_module>
        DirectoryIndex index.html index.php

which does all the other PHP configuration in a separate file to make upgrades easy.

Finishing Up

At this point, a simple restart of apache:

  $ sudo apachectl restart

and everything should be in order. Hit a URL that's a static file with the contents:


and you should see all the details about the PHP install - including the PostgreSQL section with the version of Postgres indicated:

Apache PHP on Mojave

What's really great is that Apple has included lots of support in the default PHP install:

  • PHP 7.1.19
  • Postgres 9.3.7
  • MySQL 5.0.12
  • SQLite3 7.1.19

so there's no reason to do anything more to get the kind of support that I used to get. And I get the other databases for free. This is great news! I then run my little test page to make sure the database ocnnection is working:

PHP + Postgres Test

and everything is working exactly as expected!

Updated Homebrew for macOS 10.14 Mojave

Wednesday, October 3rd, 2018


This morning I wanted to make sure that Homebrew was up-to-date on my laptop - now that I'd upgraded it to macOS 10.14 Mojave. In the past, changes to the OS and Xcode almost always meant that I had to update with a simple:

  $ brew update

and off it would go - updating the code for brew as well as the list of new, updated, and deprecated packages. This time, it also pointed out that in the upgrade to Mojave, I think Apple cleared out some empty directories. The update instructed me to:

  $ sudo mkdir -p /usr/local/sbin
  $ sudo chown -R $(whoami) /usr/local/sbin

so that the /usr/local/sbin directory was created, and owned by me. Sounds fair - I don't think I had anything there - and we're good to go, but it's really impressive how they have handled all the package management and versioning. I really like the tools these guys make.

iTerm2 and Mojave Conflicts

Monday, October 1st, 2018


This morning I was updating iTerm2 and realized that ~/Library/Images/People was there but it wasn't something I could ls... and I thought Great! Corrupted disk... but then I started digging into the problem and found some interesting things with macOS 10.14 Mojave.

To start, this is what I was seeing:

  peabody{drbob}378: ls
  ls: .: Operation not permitted

and I thought permissions - but it wasn't. I checked the permissions on the directory, and then the ownership, and root wasn't doing any better. This was a bad situation. I had a back-up at home, and I was able to see that it was just this one directory, so maybe it was - nope... that wasn't it.

Then I decided to see what the Finder said - and there were all the files! I could make a new directory - People2 and use the Finder to copy all the files to the new directory - and then remove the old People and rename the new one. But the files were invisible on the rename!

OK... this was getting closer - it's the directory name. So let's try - and when I tried to change to ~/Library/Images/People it asked if I wanted to allow to access my Contacts.


This was a simple issue of sandboxing for security. iTerm2 wasn't triggering the request for permissions to that directory, and so the app wasn't allowed to "see" it. Very clever. Sadly, you can't manually add an application to the 'Contacts' in the Security part of System Preferences. Too bad.

For now, I know the problem, and how to work around it - and when iTerm2 gets this fixed, it'll ask, and as I did with, I'll say "OK", and we'll be good to go. Wild.

UPDATE: There's a pretty easy fix for this in Mojave and it's in the Security System Preferences - you simply need to drag the iTerm app into the list, and then select the checkbox. Simple. It now has access to all the directories.

Permissions on iTerm2