Archive for November, 2010

Very Non-obvious Memory Leak

Monday, November 22nd, 2010


Today has been spent trying to track down a very non-obvious memory leak in my ticker plant code. I've been watching it run over the last few days - fixing little things as I see them, and each time the app runs longer and better. Good... we're moving in the right direction.

But it's odd that a few of my ticker plants have a problem with a growing memory footprint. Very odd indeed. So I started digging into these exchange feeds. My first mistake was to ignore all common functionality - after all, if it's common with the exchange feeds that aren't leaking, then it can't be that code. Right?


What I found was that I needed to be exceptionally careful even when using the compare-and-swap atomic operations. It's possible that two threads, on two CPUs, are doing their own thing on that one variable, and if it's only in their cache, it's possible that there might be a time when the caches are updated and the main memory isn't. This could cause me to "loose" a message, and leak memory.

What I did was put a simple boost spinlock mutex on the value and then we got a lot more stability. That's good.

Unfortunately, that's not the end of the story... but it's the end of the day. A long day for a little solution. Tomorrow I'll have to see what the remaining problems are.

iOS 4.2.1 is Out on iTunes 10.1

Monday, November 22nd, 2010

iPhone 4

Well... it's here! I saw on the familiar sources that iOS 4.2 was released to iTunes 10.1 and initially I was pretty disappointed that they didn't release 4.2.1 - as I know they were working on it before the release, but when I installed 4.2 it was actually reported as 4.2.1!


I haven't used the new stuff, but I'm sure I'll get around to it. I'm guessing that with the news that iOS 4.3 coming out next month, I'll probably find out in that time-frame. I'm pretty busy now with work and the house.

Who knows... maybe I'll get an Apple TV? Might be fun.

Making the Broker Client Direct Dial Aware

Friday, November 19th, 2010


Yesterday I worked on the Broker's C++ Service adapter to allow for these direct dial connections with the addition of the boost asio acceptor listening on a ephemeral port and putting that in the registration message to the Broker. That looked to be pretty good, and so today I worked on adding the client-side of the protocol.

I went with a simple scheme - if the user explicitly asks to locate() a service, then we'll ask the Broker for the direct dial location, and save it. Then, for every connection to that service, we'll have a pool of connections to use that connect directly to the service and do not go through the Broker.

There's a hitch - if the Broker is trying to load balance my calls, then I'm going to mess him up as I am creating a pool on the one and only location he's giving me. This isn't great, but the alternative is to not have any pooling of connections and ask the Broker for the location each time, and then create a connection and then throw it away.

It's possible, but I decided against it. I think there's more value in this pooling, but we'll see. Maybe I'm all wet and the real value is in asking the Broker each time. We'll have to see how it plays out in the usage patterns.

Safari 5.0.3 Out on Software Updates

Friday, November 19th, 2010

Seems that Apple has released Safari 5.0.3 which fixes several things including Flash content coverage, JavaScript-intensive pages, pop-up blocking and more. Sad that I have to reboot to get this, but it's far too important not to.

Google Chrome dev 9.0.587.0 is Out

Friday, November 19th, 2010


This morning I noticed that Google Chrome dev 9.0.587.0 was out, and the release notes point to quite a few nice fixes:

  • GPU Related Fixes
  • Crash Fixes
  • Instant Fixes
  • [r65953] Move click-to-play to about:flags. (Issue: 62091)

Not a lot of detail about what each of these mean, but I'm encouraged by the GPU fixes as it's possible we're getting closer to that elusive super-browser where things are really exceptionally fast. Here's hoping...

Adding New Broker Service Access Points

Thursday, November 18th, 2010


I was talking with the developers of the Broker today and we realized that it was about time to add in a dial direct access mode for the services that register themselves with the Broker. Up to now, all services would register themselves with the Broker via a single socket connection, and then multiplex that socket with many channels, each identified by a unique 16-byte ID. This is all well and good, but should there be a problem on one of these channels that's non-recoverable, the entire socket will be dropped, and with it all the channels. Not ideal.

The solution is to have a service open up a ephemeral port, and then send that data to the Broker in the registration message so that the Broker can use that additional listener as a different way to establish connections to the service. Think of it as "dial direct, and save".

In boost asio, this is pretty simple. In the service handler code I added a listen() method so that calling this would create a new acceptor, bind it, and start it listening. Additionally, I'd pull out the ephemeral port from the acceptor so I could later send it to the Broker.

  bool MMDServiceHandler::listen()
    bool    error = false;
    // first, let's make sure we have what we need... a Boss...
    if (!error && (mBoss == NULL)) {
      error = true;
      cLog.error("[listen] the MMDService is missing... please check on this.");
    // create an acceptor if we don't already have one
    if (!error && (mAcceptor == NULL)) {
      mAcceptor = new boost::asio::ip::tcp::acceptor(mBoss->mIOService);
      if (mAcceptor == NULL) {
        error = true;
        cLog.error("[listen] unable to create acceptor - very bad news.");
    // if we're OK, then fire up the acceptor for listening - pretty basic
    if (!error) {
      using namespace boost::asio::ip;
      // make the 'endpoint' in boost terms - IPv4 and a random port
      tcp::endpoint ep(tcp::v4(), 0);
      // open up the acceptor and set SO_REUSEADDR to enabled
      // bind the bad boy and start listening
      // get the port so we can log what we've done
      tcp::endpoint lep = mAcceptor->local_endpoint();
      mPort = lep.port();
      // create a new MMDClientProxy to populate when we get hit
      MMDCLientProxy  *proxy = new MMDCLientProxy(this, mAcceptor->io_service());
      // now fire off the async accept on this guy
              boost::bind(&MMDServiceHandler::handleIncomingConnection, this,
                  boost::asio::placeholders::error, proxy));
    return !error;

The only real tricky point was that the endpoint I created with the port of zero wasn't modified by boost for the port number that was actually used. I needed to go into the acceptor, get it's local endpoint, and then from it, get the port. Took me a few minutes to figure that one out - not a lot of documentation on that point.

With this, and the existing code in the handler to handle the multiplexed channel connections, it wasn't too bad to make this new client proxy a fully functioning "portal" to the service. Pretty nice.

Now we need to update the Broker to vend this information, and then the client code has to be updated to read it and make the direct connection. Pretty neat stuff.

Unison 2.1.3 is Out

Thursday, November 18th, 2010

I got another tweet this afternoon saying that Unison 2.1.3 was out with a couple of fixes. It's already an exceptional news reader, and I do enjoy their news feed, I just wish I had more time to read the news. I used to... but that was grad school.

MarsEdit 3.1.3 is Out

Thursday, November 18th, 2010

This afternoon I got a tweet that MarsEdit 3.1.3 was out with a few little fixes. I find that I like the HTML editor far better than the WYSIWYG - in fact, I've been thinking about using BBEdit as an 'external' editor as it's even better. I'd love it if Daniel got something like SubEthaEdit like the Panic guys did. Then it'd be a monster first-class editor.

Anyway... it's still nice to see the update.

Sweet Little Monitoring Tool – dstat

Wednesday, November 17th, 2010


I was talking to a few folks today and mentioned that I wanted to be able to snapshot the CPU usage on my ticker plant box every few seconds during the day so I could make some intelligent sizing decisions as to what can live on one box, and they mentioned dstat.

This is one sweet little monitoring tool.

I've set up an alias to run the following:

  dstat -t -c -m -n --output dstat_data.csv 5

and on the console I'll get the lovely color output, but to the file dstat_data.csv I'll get a nice importable data set. Sweet!

This is why I love building and running code on linux - it's just so darn neat!

The Retry Loop – Painful to Get Right

Wednesday, November 17th, 2010


I've been hardening my ticker plant code for the last several days, and today it's been all about logging more intermediate results and putting in retry loops. The problem I find with retry loops is that if you didn't plan for them in the first place, making it fit in nicely can be kind of tricky. If you plan on your method returning if it can't succeed, then your retry loop needs to be within that method completely.

But what if there's exceptions? Well... you have to try/catch around the code, and then if you get a continued failure, then you have to throw the last one? Maybe you throw a new exception with the last one contained within? Not obvious.

Then there's the really layered code where you're in the middle of a call stack, and you're trying to retry, but some of the methods you call already retry, and some don't. So do you "double retry" on some to cover the others? It's not at all easy to do.

Oh don't get me wrong... you can do it... it's just not easy.

I've been hammering away at a lot of these in my code this morning and I'm getting fewer and fewer instances of needing to get back in the code. It's getting close, that's for sure. It's just not easy.

But then, if it really were, everyone would be able to do it.