Archive for March, 2009

iWork ’09 and iLife ’09 Updates on Software Update

Friday, March 27th, 2009


This morning there was a big update for iWork '09 and iLife '09 on Software Updates. I'm assuming it's bug fixes and security fixes. iWeb has a fix for publishing via FTP to a site that's not .Mac. iMovie has general fixes and usability issues addressed. iPhoto has similar stability and usability issues addressed, and iWork says it's "just needed". Sounds very stability and security orientated to me.

Gotta get it - even if it means a reboot.

Feeling Oddly Like a Slacker

Thursday, March 26th, 2009


Had a pretty nice day today... kept very busy, got a lot of things done, but at the end of the day I had a meeting with my new manager and the list of expectations for April are daunting to say the least. Not that it's all that hard - it's just all things that are somewhat out of my control and I have no idea how to do them. For instance, getting machines set up in New York and London. Now, at my old job, I knew all the ins-n-outs of doing this and could get it done with a very predictable timeline. Here? I've no idea how the process works. I know what Liza would say - give it time, it's all part of the learning process. But it doesn't keep me from feeling like a slacker.

I then started to look back at my day - a day that was filled with lots of coding on the web site I'm working on, but all of a sudden it didn't seem like I had actually done all that much. I didn't have a lot more new to show for it, but I know the infrastructure in the web app had to be built and there was a significant amount of work there.

I know it's all just self-doubt. I need to put in the time and keep focused on the day-to-day and let the months take care of themselves. There's no doubt I can get all this, but it's nonetheless a little daunting when faced with it all at once.

I just need to keep my head down and keep working.

Getting all AJAX-y On Me – Pretty Slick

Wednesday, March 25th, 2009


Today I spent a lot of time getting the UI of the project I'm working on working nicer given the fake test data I've got in the system. It turned out to be the right thing to do as the amount of data slowed the page responsiveness significantly, and therefore sent me down the path of adding a calendar to the page to interact with the graph so that you can see a day's worth of data at a time.

When you're only looking at a day's worth of data, it's not bad. But what was most interesting to me was the JavaScript that drove the page. I've never been one for the whole Web 2.0 thing, but today I'm a believer. It's pretty amazing. The point is not to put computation in the page, but to have the user's event flow in the page. That way, you can fire off requests to the back-end for data, and populate it into the GUI components without having to reload the page. It really isn't that hard.

I know the little app isn't all that much, but if things work out, it's going to make a significant impression on the users, and it's really amazingly interactive. I have to say, it's something that I'm glad I'm doing. Nice addition to my tool chest.

Acorn 1.5.2 is Out

Wednesday, March 25th, 2009


My favorite image editor was updated today - Acorn is at 1.5.2 and has a spiffy new icon to boot. The release fixed a few brush issues, and a few crashing bugs, but nothing that seemed to impact me - save the icon. Still... always nice to get the latest goodies.

Excellent work.

Setting Up Tomcat for Servlet Development

Tuesday, March 24th, 2009


Today I needed to set up Tomcat for servlet development and aside from Tomcat itself, the biggest challenge was in getting the new web app set up properly. It wasn't that bad, really, it was just a lot of moving parts with no error messages to speak of to let you know you had the moving parts hooked up wrong. For instance, I made the silly mistake of having my web.xml file in the root of the /web directory in my project. It was supposed to be in the WEB-INF directory in that directory. Without it being in the right place, nothing was seeming to work. But there were no errors indicating my mistake.

While I can understand that this is a user error - I did eventually figure out my mistake, there's nothing to say "Hey, here's a web app with no web.xml file" which would have put me on the right track a lot sooner.

Once I got it all set up properly, things seemed to flow pretty nicely. I was able to get a lot of good work done, and by the end of the day I was very close to a working prototype. I'm guessing by the end of this week I should have the first good cut all done. That will be a great relief.

It's all in the configuration. Watch it.

MarsEdit 2.3 is Out

Tuesday, March 24th, 2009


One of my favorite apps - MarsEdit, has just been updated to 2.3 with Tumblr support, that I'm really not that hyped about, but others will be, and a much improved media manager when loading lots of pictures. Doesn't sound like much, but I know Daniel was working on it for a long time.

Glad to see the update.

Honesty is a Much Better Policy than Kindness

Monday, March 23rd, 2009


I have been spending the last several days - let's call it a week, getting familiar with a guy's code. Now I'm not going to say it's bad, or good - it's different from what I'd have done in that it's over-designed like a Spring app might tend to be - certainly J2EE has nothing on this design pattern, but that's really not the issue. It's his code, and I was learning it in order to be able to support, maintain, and extend it. Things were going pretty well, I think, and then I started to get the inkling that this wasn't in his comfort zone.

So I asked him.

What came out and asked him about what he'd do. He's been a very nice guy, almost to a fault of not telling me what is going to take him out of his comfort zone on this project. His answer revealed what he was comfortable with - me not touching his code. Fair enough.

Hey, you have to face facts. I'm the new guy. I've been here for a grand total of two weeks and until I can produce something that's good, going on great, and it deploys around the firm, and runs like a top, there are going to be a lot of people that, rightly so, have doubts about me.

This guy is no different, and I don't blame him.

What I do wish he'd done was to be honest with me as opposed to nice. It would have saved us both a week. I can do what I need to do now by building something outside of his codebase that simply makes calls to his system and saves the results. It's not ideal, but it's possible. It's also going to be built in such a way that it can run alongside his code in a Tomcat instance so that should the time come to more closely integrate them, the first thing we can do is to put them side-by-side and then merge the codebases.

It's understandable that I'm the new guy and need to prove myself. I also appreciate this guy's kindness. I just wish he'd been a little more honest with himself, and me, and it would have saved us both a bunch of time.

Finishing Up JiGV – Java Interface to Google Visualizations

Friday, March 20th, 2009


Today I was able to finish up the first complete cut of my work on the Java classes for the Google Visualization API. For the last two days I've been hammering out a class structure that allows me to easily create tables of data that are then easily serialized to the Google widgets. This is a core component of the project I've been working on here since my arrival. With the incredible elegance of the Google Visualization widgets, it was a natural fit to make the data we have fit the API, and then be able to easily change the widgets on the front-end.

One of the nice things I added was a DatabaseTable that sub-classed the basic DataTable and created a constructor that takes a simple JDBC ResultSet and from that builds the DataTable for easy serialization. This will make it easy for me to make a servlet that will use the Google API to receive a GET message with a SQL statement in it, run that query, build a DatabaseTable from the results, and then serialize the data back out. Efficient and elegant. Nice.

Additionally, I wanted to complete the Google API with it's CSV and HTML output formats. These were pretty easy given that I'd already done the JSON version, but it's going to make it nice for debugging the code and checking on the data. They didn't take long, but it was worth the effort.

So it's looking like it's time to move into the Tomcat codebase. I need to put in the H2 in-memory database and then back-end it with MS SQL Server, and then put the servlets on the front end that I built this code for. Making progress. Lots and lots of progress.

Back in the Swing of Things Again

Thursday, March 19th, 2009


I've been coding for a little over a day and have written a little over 3,000 lines of commented, debugged, unit-tested code. Wow! It's been a wild day. I can't remember the last time I was this productive. It feels incredibly tiring, but also exceptionally satisfying because it means that I'm starting to really produce here and in a few days I should be able to finish this all up, and start to look at using this code in the servlets to hook into the Google Visualization widgets.

Yup... it's a great feeling to be exhausted. Great.

VoodooPad Pro 4.1.1 is Out

Thursday, March 19th, 2009


This morning I noticed that VoodooPad Pro 4.1.1 is out with some nice changes for the iPhone sync capabilities. There's a few other things there, but it looks to be really focused on this aspect for the release. Good enough, I'm not syncing to an iPhone now, but good news for my friends that are.