Archive for the ‘Open Source Software’ Category

Using the XKCD Graph – Very Nice

Saturday, September 18th, 2021


This morning I was looking to visualize some time-series data from a Plaid Asset Report, in preparation for some work at The Shop, and I thought that it would be a perfect opportunity to use the xkcd Chart package. I like the way it's clearly trying to be a little less serious, and it seems like just the thing to try out for this visualization.

The data from the endpoint I created is returned as a sequence of tuples:

  accounts: {
    'Checking': [
      [ '2021-09-05', 115.4 ],
      [ '2021-09-06', 115.4 ],
      [ '2021-09-07', 110 ],
      [ '2021-09-08', 110 ],
      [ '2021-09-09', 110 ],
      [ '2021-09-10', 110 ],
      [ '2021-09-11', 110 ],
      [ '2021-09-12', 110 ],

these are really the closing balances for each date for the account, and I just wanted to be able to visualize them so that any calculations can be validated by looking at the data.

The graph turned out pretty well:

Historical Balances

This is just exactly what I'd hoped for. ๐Ÿ™‚

Interesting IRC Changes and Tools

Friday, September 10th, 2021


In the last few months there seems to have been a lot of changes in the IRC world. Freenode had what has been called a hostile takeover by some, and a good number of high-profile projects left that network and went to Libera, which was started by some ex-Freenode folks. All this was probably a lot more traumatic for those immediately involved, and I feel for them. It also meant that for the IRC channels and projects I do follow, it meant that many went dark for a bit.

It happens. We adapt.

When the projects popped up on Libera, I was able to get on there, and see that they were as popular and active as ever. Sure, it's a little more diffuse than before because some didn't move, but my IRC Client on macOS - Textual, allows for multiple server connections, so that I can have Freenode and Libera connected, and the side-bar has all the channels - some on Freenode, some on Libera, and it works just fine.

I never expected that it had multiple server connections - I just never needed them... until I did. And when I did, I was so very glad that it handled it as nicely as it did.

In the end, to me, it looks very much like nothing changed, but I know quite a lot did.

Interesting Pattern Matching in Clojure

Wednesday, August 18th, 2021


I was reading IRC this morning, and saw that someone was asking about pattern matching in Clojure, and there were two suggestions: core.match and fnl-match. The first seems to do a pretty nice job, and it's got a lot of examples of the different kind of sources, and patterns. In all, it's an excellent example of a really super-charged case statement.

The second is written by technomancy - the author of Leiningen, a really good build, version, project tool for Clojure, so I was very interested in that as well. It looks like there is a lot of overlap in the design and capabilities, and that's nice - and it also means that there are options if I ever really need to use this.

The examples for core.match really make it clear how useful this is, and how much effort went into making the code efficient. That's where I'll likely start, as soon as I need something.

Interesting Messaging Client – Telegram

Tuesday, August 10th, 2021


I was chatting with a friend this morning, and he has a new job at a blockchain company, and reached out to me on GTalk - which can be accessed from his messaging client: Telegram. Now I'd never heard of Telegram, even though it's been around for ages, and my friend says that it's pretty much the defecto standard for the crypto space. It makes sense, the feature list is something you'd expect from the crypto space: Simple, Private, Fast, Open... it makes sense.

Also, they have clients for all platforms, and the clients all stay secure and in sync. It's a nice idea, and while I think the clients aren't minimal enough, maybe that's something that you can change - after all, the code is all open source, and stripping out is usually simpler than adding in. ๐Ÿ™‚

It's something to keep in mind... Interesting space, and challenges...

Excited about iTerm2 Window Restoration

Friday, August 6th, 2021


This morning, I was wondering if iTerm2 had yet added the feature to restore all the window positions on restart. In the past, I used the Open Default Window Arrangement - making sure to save any changes before a restart. But there were issues with that - one, I'd forget... two, on restart, all the windows would be on the first screen, and I'd have to move them to the six (or so) screens they needed to be, and while it's not horrible, it's time-consuming.

This morning, I did a quick search to see if there was any status update on that... and I was very happy to see that when I wasn't looking, they seemed to have added that option in the Settings of iTerm2.

Go to the General -> Startup settings in iTerm2, and then select Use System Window Restoration Setting, and I should be good to go. I haven't had the chance to test it, but I'm hoping that it's going to be exactly what I want. Right down to putting the windows on the correct screens.

UPDATE: when updating the macOS 11.5.2 this morning, this worked perfectly. The windows are all in the right places, the contents of each tab (session) is still there to reivew. It's just exactly what I'd hoped for. ๐Ÿ™‚

Published a PostGrid Node Client

Tuesday, July 27th, 2021


On the heels of the Notarize Node Client, we took the time to create a Node Client for the PostGrid service - where they will use regular Postal Delivery for PDFs, and HTML pages, and we needed that at The Shop. It was easy enough to build on the previous client, and just update the different domain elements, and handle the data interfaces. Not bad at all.

One thing I did have a few issues with was the handling of the Form Data for the posts to the service. There were endpoints that could accept application/json data, and some that required multipart MIME data from a FormData element. Thankfully, I'd had to work with this for some additions we made to the HelloSign Node Client, but that was a lot easier because the basic client was written by the HelloSign engineers, and we just had to add the ability to post PDF documents provided as Buffer objects.

In all, it wasn't all that bad, and now I have a core TypeScript library for building almost any client for a restful service with either JSON or Form Data. That's a nice place to be. ๐Ÿ™‚

Published Notarize Node Client

Monday, May 24th, 2021


Today I was able to publish my first Open Source TypeScript npm library for using the Notarize service. Their docs are good, but the only client they offer is really just the docs on the REST endpoints for the service, which are nice, but it's really nice to have a good client that makes accessing the functions of the service easy. So at The Shop, we decided to make a Client, and then give it to the Notarize folks so that they can give it to other clients looking for a simpler access interface.

This was a nice foray into TypeScript, because the interfaces are easy to define, the domain components of the service are nicely separable, and things generally worked out quite nicely. The tests didn't seem to fit into a simple CI/CD pipeline, but that's something that we can work on - if needed, and now that it's out in the wild, we will see how it's used, and if we get requests for additions.

All in all, it was fun to get this out. And it made working with the service much nicer. ๐Ÿ™‚

Nice OWASP Update Tools for Node/JS

Wednesday, April 7th, 2021


This morning I did a little security updating on a project at The Shop - a few OWASP issues for dependencies. One had risen to a high level, so it seemed like a good time to dig into the updating process.

In the past, for Java and Clojure projects, I've had to go and look up the recent versions of each library and see if they correct the security issue, and if they do, are there other updates that I have to do in order to handle any changes from these security-related updates? It was often times a very tedious process, and doing it for Java Spring projects was almost something like Black Magic.

Imagine my surprise when I find that Node/JS already has this covered. Simply run:

  $ npm audit

and not only will it list all the OWASP security vulnerabilities, but it will also provide you with the specific npm commands to update (aka install) the specific package, and how far down the nesting tree that package sits.

Run the commands specified by the npm audit command, and you'll update just what's needed, and not have to go through the process manually. What a refreshing change to my previous encounters with fixing OWASP vulnerabilities. ๐Ÿ™‚

Putting async at the Top Level of Node

Thursday, March 25th, 2021


The use of async/await in Javascript is a nice way to make traditional Promise-based code more linear, and yet for the top-level code in a Node script, await can't easily be used, because it's not within an async function. Looking at the traditional top-level script for a Node/Express project, you would look at bin/www and see:

  #!/usr/bin/env node
  // dotenv is only installed in local dev; in prod environment variables will be
  // injected through Google Secrets Manager
  try {
    const dotenv = require('dotenv')
  } catch {
    // Swallow expected error in prod.
  // load up all the dependencies we need
  const app = require('../app')
  const debug = require('debug')('api:server')
  const http = require('http')

which starts off by loading the dotenv function to read the environment variables into the Node process, and then start loading up the application. But you can't just toss in an await if you need to make some network calls... or a database call.

Sure, you can use a .then() and .catch(), and put the rest of the startup script into the body of the .then()... but that's a little harder to reason through, and if you need another Promise call, it only nests, or another .then().

Possible, but not clean.

If we wrap the entire script in an async function, like:

  #!/usr/bin/env node
  (async () => {
    // normal startup code

then the bulk of the bin/www script is now within an async function, and so we can use await without any problems:

  #!/usr/bin/env node
  (async () => {
    // dotenv is only installed in local dev; in prod environment variables will be
    // injected through Google Secrets Manager
    try {
      const dotenv = require('dotenv')
    } catch {
      // Swallow expected error in prod.
    // augment the environment from the Cloud Secrets
    try {
      const { addSecretsToEnv } = require('../secrets')
      await addSecretsToEnv()
    } catch (err) {
    // load up all the dependencies we need
    const app = require('../app')
    const debug = require('debug')('api:server')
    const http = require('http')

While this indents the bulk of the bin/www script, which stylistically, isn't as clean as no-indent, it allows the remainder of the script to use await without any problem.

Not a bad solution to the problem.

Fun Feature Request for iTerm2

Wednesday, December 30th, 2020


A few days ago, I sent an email to the iTerm2 developer, and asked him the following question:

...and maybe this is a silly request, but I would really enjoy the option to put the Emoji Picker on the TouchBar of my MacBook Pro while in iTerm2โ€ฆ I know itโ€™s not a Big Deal - so dragging it off/on in the customization makes sense, but there are a lot of times in my Git commit messages that Iโ€™d like to be able to toss in an emoji

and this morning I got a (surprise) response:

Thanks for pointing this out. Thereโ€™s no good reason why it shouldnโ€™t be allowed. Commit 1ae34d90f adds it. You can test in the next nightly build, due out in about an hour. In order to avoid breaking existing setups, itโ€™s not in the default setup. You need to choose View > Customize Touch Bar to add it.

which is perfect for what I was hoping to have.

One of the best uses I've found for the TouchBar on the MacBook Pro is the Emoji Picker - as it's perfect for Instant Messaging, and Twitterrific, and at The Shop it's a big thing to have a nice, representative emoji as the first character of a pull request title. This is OK with LaunchBar, but it's not as convenient as the TouchBar Emoji Picker, and that's really what I was hoping to use it for. But until recently, iTerm2 just didn't allow it in the configuration of the TouchBar.

I am as pleased as I can be. Sounds silly, but it's nice to see that your thoughts aren't completely left-field to others. ๐Ÿ™‚

UPDATE: the v3.4.4beta2 release has the Emoji Picker. I'm just smiling. ๐Ÿ™‚