Archive for the ‘Coronavirus’ Category

Day 4 of Coronavirus WFH

Thursday, March 19th, 2020


Things are getting worse, as the numbers climb. At this point, things are getting out of hand, and the news is changing almost hourly. The markets have been up and down, but The Shop is asking people not to come into the office unless it's an emergency.

Pretty quick change for just three days. But that's what'll happen when you have something like this happen. It's certainly reminding me of all the viral outbreak movies you see - and while the mortality rate isn't like Ebola, it's bad enough, and that's reason enough to take this all very seriously.

Day 1 of Coronavirus WFH

Monday, March 16th, 2020


The Coronavirus is spreading, and The Shop has said that if we aren't comfortable going into the office, it is acceptable to work from home (WFH) - after checking with your manager. Since I'd checked with my manager on just this issue last week, I was ready to start this week WFH for sure.

I don't believe the office is bad... but the Metro and Shuttle are going to be horrible - simply because many people will have the light version of the disease and spread it to many others. That's not their fault - they wouldn't necessarily know... but I could get it - and then unwittingly spread it to others. That's bad.

So I'm going to WFH and see how things play out. After all... I'm every bit as productive here as I am at the office.