I've spent most of today doing two things: weaving the authentication data into the Ticker Plant client code, and making a nice package (tarball) of the client include files and libraries for other groups at The Shop. Over the last few days, I've been doing the "second pass" on the code - looking at those supporting sub-systems and components that I've been "faking" with simple hard-coded values. For example, the original authentication system was a very skeletal 'client' of the authentication service and a simple 'token' that contains the important data, but the tests for the validity of the token was always true, and the client just created an empty one.
Like I said, very incomplete - but it worked and wasn't crucial to the functional aspects of the codebase. It's just the supporting stuff that the app had to have before it went live, but could always be done later. Well... now is that later.
Interestingly, putting the AuthToken in the code was surprising harder than I had expected. I simply hadn't exposed the ability to set the AuthToken at the highest levels of the code, which, it turns out, is exactly what I needed. Unfortunately, to find this, I had to do a lot of digging because I wasn't logging the requests that failed due to invalid AuthTokens.
First, I had to log things a little more, and then I saw the problem. Then I needed to see how often I was doing the same things in different places in the code. These weren't always done the same way in the code, so I took the time to standardized the way I was doing the authentication work. This took even more time. In the end, I was able to get it all working, but it took a lot more time than I had expected.
After that, I got pulled into a few meetings that pointed me in the direction that we might have a C++ client sooner rather than later. What I wanted to do was create a package - a tarball, that contained the libraries and include files so it's easily used by other groups. Making it was really a process of finding the minimum set of include files that I would need. Then I just had to stage them into a good directory structure and tar them up. I made it clean with some nice dependencies so that if we change one of the headers, we'll be able to know to make the package again.
Lots of good things done... but it was a lot of details to get done.