Archive for the ‘Coding’ Category

Google Chrome dev 8.0.552.23 is Out

Sunday, October 31st, 2010

I noticed today that Google Chrome dev 8.0.552.23 is out with some fixes for the plugins as well as disabling the accelerated 2D canvas. I'm not sure I'm thrilled with the disabling of the 2D acceleration, but I'm guessing that they didn't like the consequences of having it on, but I'm guessing they'll turn it back on soon enough.

Finally Gettin’ Some Love from the TickerPlant

Friday, October 29th, 2010

It's been a tough morning but I'm finally starting to get a little love from my latest cut of the ticker plant. It's been a while trying to refactor the code to get rid of the 64-bit security ID in favor of the std::string security key. It's good, in that it's going to be a lot faster in the end, but getting there has been more than a little challenging.

But finally, things are starting to pay off. Good enough.

I still need to see what I can do to make the generation of the security key from the exchange message faster, but that's going to be targeted code in just a few places in the system. Meaning, it's much easier to do. For now, I'm just happy things are running smoothly and solidly.


Finding Errors that Aren’t Really There – Harder than it Sounds

Friday, October 29th, 2010

I spent several hours this morning trying to find bugs in my ticker plant that simply weren't there. What I mean to say is that I was changing the trie from three levels to four, and at the same time radically simplifying the node structure and tree walking and all of a sudden my unit tests were failing. What?!

OK, I made a bunch of changes, let's see what really changed, and start to figure out the problem.

The first step was to look at the failing tests and see what the problem was. The first indicator was that the size() methods were failing. What I'd done was to create a main node superclass so that I could have just two classes: leaf and branch. So I took:

  struct LeafNode {
    family_t                 *family;
    family_map_t             others;
    boost::detail::spinlock  othesMutex;
  typedef struct LeafNode leaf_t;
  struct BranchNode {
    family_t         *family;
    leaf_t           kids[47];
  typedef struct BranchNode branch_t;
  struct RootNode {
    family_t         *family;
    branch_t         kids[47];
  typedef struct RootNode root_t;

where the branch and root are different because of the type of their children, to the more uniform:

  struct Node {
    family_t         *family;
  typedef struct Node node_t;
  struct LeafNode : Node {
    family_map_t     others;
    boost::spinlock  othesMutex;
  typedef struct LeafNode leaf_t;
  struct BranchNode : Node {
    node_t           kids[47];
  typedef BranchNode branch_t;

so that I could have several branches from the root to the leaf. This was a good idea - but it wasn't exactly how I had it originally implemented. In the cut-n-paste refactoring, I ended up leaving in the family pointer in the branch. This had the added benefit of not generating any errors or warnings in GCC, but when I constructed the subclass, the super worked just fine, and then the subclass threw a junk non-NULL pointer in for family.

This took me far longer than I had hoped to find. I was tracking down the constructor calls, seeing the family set to NULL by the superclass, and then all of a sudden being set to some junk in the main class. Finally, I was looking at the header file and noticed that I hadn't removed the family reference in the branch class. Fixed that, and off we go.

Then things started working... but they seemed to be going very slowly. In fact, it seemed to be going horribly slowly. So I started to look at what I was doing and see what might be causing the hold up.

Was it the looping in the tree navigation? Was it the use of subscripts in the elements of the tree path? All these didn't seem right. But in case, I refactored the code again just to have a more direct path with direct variables. No difference.


Then I realized that I was doing four things in each pass of the loop, and given that, the times were really better than I had in the past. I took out the "straight-through" code, and back to the looping, and even a little better.

So... two mistakes in one day for not paying attention. That's how a professional does it. Yeah... right.

Incorporating the Better Map into the Ticker Plant

Thursday, October 28th, 2010

I spent a good part of the rest of today incorporating the new instrument map I created into the existing classes that I had in the ticker plant. It wasn't terribly difficult, I did have to add a remove() method so that I could use the map in the ConflationQueue, but that was pretty easy. Once I got the code all ready to roll I realized that the supporting infrastructure (the Broker) wasn't up yet - it was undergoing a hardware upgrade.


By the time it was up, it was well after 3:15, and the market data was all gone. Shucks. I really wanted to test it today but I just didn't have the chance. So it goes... I'm still glad I'm using the Broker, as I think it's a great piece of code and a wonderful way to glue things together, but external dependencies of any kind can come back to bite you in the rear at the most inopportune times.

So it'll be tomorrow before I get some real answers, but I'm hoping that the inclusion of the much faster msg::imap is going to cut down on conflations and increase the messages per second to the client.

Building A Better Map (cont.)

Thursday, October 28th, 2010


This morning I finished my "better map" for the instrument messages for my ticker plant. I had a few typos because I did a bit of copy/paste to get the three levels coded up as quickly as possible, and there was a lot of coding due to the extensive use of pointers to save space.

In any case. I got it to compile and then ran through a few simple tests. Fixed a few typos, got the tests to work, and then decided to try a speed test. The code was going to make 1000 messages, store them in the map, and time the results. The nature of the map was such that the put() method returned the old Message pointer for that instrument so that you could dispose of it, or make note of it, etc.

So the test loop looked like this:

  msg::Message         *oldie = NULL;
  msg::message::Print  *print = NULL;
  uint64_t  startTime = msg::TransferStats::usecSinceEpoch();
  for (int i = 0; i < 1000; ++i) {
    print = new Print("S:IBM", startTime, (100 + i), 1.50, (10 + i), 'T', 0);
    oldie = m.put(print);
    if (oldie != NULL) {
      delete oldie;
      oldie = NULL;
  uint64_t  elapsedTime = msg::TransferStats::usecSinceEpoch() - startTime;"updated the S:IBM Print 1000 times in %ld usec", elapsedTime);

The response was more than I could have hoped for:

  28-Oct-10 08:26:30.08 INFO imap : updated S:IBM Print 1000 times in 816 usec

Wow! That's better than once a microsecond! That's fast. Very fast.

Now I get to work it into the code and see how it impacts the overall performance. I know it'll be better than the conflation keys I've been using, and that's a great boost for the ticker plant.


Using ZeroMQ with Clojure (Java) on Mac OS X

Thursday, October 28th, 2010


I was reading the ZeroMQ IRC channel this morning and they talked about the changes to their web site, and so I decided to check them out. They had a post about using ZeroMQ with Clojure, and I decided that it was worth checking out. What I found was a wonderful article about using it with Java on Mac OS X.

I know that we're not targeting Mac OS X - yet, but it's nice to know that there's help out there if and when we start to move there - or I move there myself. Very nice.

Building A Better Map

Wednesday, October 27th, 2010


When I got the 128-bit integer done, and the string-based security key put into my ticker plant I was not totally surprised to see that the performance was bad. I mean really bad. It's not something to hack a finger off for, but it was bad. So I knew I had to come up with something to get rid of the need for the 128-bit integers and keep the speed of the processing up.

Along those lines, there were several other things I could do, and still need to do to the ticker plant and how it parses the incoming data from the exchange. I need to handle parsing of the data a lot faster, as it's getting to the point that I've got it right, now I need to get it fast.

Still... the biggie is the map of messages for each instrument. It was the reason for the 128-bit integer, and it needs to be handled. So I'm trying a trie - but only to a point. I looked at the data, and if we encode A-Z, a-z, 0-9, and a little punctuation, we can do it all in 47 values. So if I map the ASCII symbol name with this scheme, I can have 47 bins for the first character, 47 for the second, and 47 for the third - 473 = 103,823 entries. At a minimum of a pointer, that's still under 1MB for everything in three characters. If I add a map at the 'leaf node' for those symbols in excess of three characters, it'll slow down a bit, but the locks will be almost non-conflicting, and things should be pretty speedy.

The core of the map will be a Family where we'll hold the message for the underlying along with a map of the call options and another for the put options. These maps will be keyed on the expiration date and strike, and will be protected by spinlocks. But since they are only for these maps, the likelihood that we'll encounter a lock contention is very small. It'll still be very fast.

  struct Family {
    Message                  *stock;
    option_map_t             calls;
    boost::detail::spinlock  callsMutex;
    option_map_t             puts;
    boost::detail::spinlock  putsMutex;
  typedef struct Family family_t;

The leaf node of the component will have one of these for those symbols that are exactly three characters long, and a map of these for those that are longer.

One level up, we'll have an array of these leaf nodes - one for each possible encoded third character in the symbol name, and a Family for those symbols that end in two characters.

We keep going like this and at the top level we have an array of these "trees" - one per message type. In this way, we make it almost impossible to have a lock contention as we're forking the data very early, and once past a certain level, you have the pointer for the current level, and that's not going to change on you.

Tomorrow morning I'll finish off the last bits and start the testing. I hope this thing is going to give me the kind of speed I need.

Google Chrome dev 8.0.552.18 is Out

Wednesday, October 27th, 2010


I saw that Google Chrome dev 8.0.552.18 was released, and it appears that it's just a round of stability and polish features. The release notes are pretty sparse:

The Chrome Dev channel has been updated to 8.0.552.18 for all platforms. This release addresses a number of stability and polish issues found in the previous release. It also has moved the work on 3D acceleration back to about:flags.

now I like that the about:flags reports the GPU-based acceleration, as I've been wondering if it's active for my build, so that's nice, but the rest is really more polish. Nice, but not earth-shaking new features.

BBEdit 9.6 is Out

Wednesday, October 27th, 2010


Today I got a tweet about BBEdit 9.6 being released, and there are a lot of nice features and fixes in this guy. I'm really quite impressed that they keep being able to move the state of the art on editing forward, but then again, so does Transmit. I guess it takes smart guys, and they'll keep the code moving forward.

Anyway, it has some interesting features, and well worth the time to upgrade.

Started Massive Refactoring

Monday, October 25th, 2010

Today, after I built the 128-bit integer, I started a massive refactoring of the ticker plant code to swap out the uint64_t "security ID" from the instrument master database with a std::string that is the name of the instrument. The reason really boils down to dependencies, and while it's not perfect, it's better than the uint64_t.

If we have a database that is the sole dispenser of the security ID, then every time I need to make a new one, I have to go to that database. In theory, this is a good idea, but in practice - for a ticker plant, it's a horrible idea. With thousands of ticks a second, not being able to get one means a several second delay in the processing of that one tick in order to get the security ID.

This isn't rocket science, but it's also unnecessary. Every downstream system can get the security ID from the database - or have it make one for them, if they need it. What the ticker plant provides should be a nice, concise, simple, fast data set that is a source of ticks.

The changes are really quite profound. Now, instead of a nice 64-bit integer to use to uniquely identify the security, I have a string. With this string, and the 128-bit integer class I made, I can still use it in most of the same ways, but the speed is taking a hit for certain. I'm just not sure how much until I get everything in and start testing.

Shouldn't take too much longer... I hope.