Getting Going on Time and Sales Service (cont.)
Wednesday, April 27th, 2011This morning I finished up on a nice simplification that I saw in the Time and Sales service: the temporary structure I was using to hold the data from the Option and the Print was really a new message - the OptionPrint message. This is exactly what we need to send out to the new clients, and a version of this can easily be made to send out to the legacy clients.
So I gutted all the code in the service and made the new message in the old messaging codebase, and then retrofitted it into the new service. In all, it took me about half a day - finishing up this morning. But it's worth it.
Now, all the pieces fit again - if we wire up a transmitter to the service, it'll automatically send the messages out the proper channel - be that legacy or new. It also makes it very memory-friendly as the same structure that's hold the temp data is the message we'll be sending out. That means there's no conversion to a message - we just ship what we have.
It takes no more to create, and it's far more efficient to use. Sounds like a win to me.