Finally Finished Performance Testing
Friday, October 19th, 2012Today I was finally able to finish up the performance testing for the Amazon EC2 instances and the SCN1 datacenter machines. There's no question that our datacenter machines are better, but the question is by how much? And how do they handle the load? Well… now we're ready to answer at least a few of these questions.
It's nice to see the parallel processes on the A64 box flatline over 6 processes - but that's because there are 24 cores on that box, and that leaves 4 per process - still a lot.
I've decided to cap the processes on the EC2 machines at 3, and give the SNC1 machines at least 6 - maybe more. We'll have to see how it works out when we get things in house and I can start to migrate things to the new boxes.