Archive for the ‘Apple’ Category

Marc Liyanage’s PHP 5.3 Crashes on Snow Leopard

Friday, September 4th, 2009

After installing Snow Leopard, I checked all the critical software I use, and was really pretty surprised that Marc Liyanage's PHP 5.3 was not Snow Leopard 'ready'. In fact, it would crash the apache thread every time. I went to his discussion boards, and sure enough, I wasn't the only one. I ended up enabling the PHP 5.3 that ships with Snow Leopard, but this doesn't have the PostgreSQL support that I really want to have.

I'm sure he'll put out a new version when he gets Snow Leopard and gets his stuff upgraded.

Coda 1.6.5 is Out with Snow Leopard Support

Friday, September 4th, 2009

I was reading the lists this morning and noticed that Coda was updated to 1.6.5 to have Snow Leopard support and a few other fixes as well. Since this morning is my time to upgrade, it's a great thing they dropped this when they did.

MacVim on Snow Leopard

Thursday, September 3rd, 2009

Bjorn posted a note saying that he had a build of MacVim that was 32-bit on Snow Leopard only. He hasn't had time to handle the regular packaging and he hasn't even run a lot of tests, but he says it's the build he's using on Snow Leopard, and that's good enough for now. It's going to have to be.

Dropbox 0.7.15 is Out with Snow Leopard Support

Thursday, September 3rd, 2009

Well, one of the two biggies for me seems to have a stable beta - Dropbox has tweeted that 0.7.15 should be the answer to Snow Leopard compatibility and they want a little help testing it. Fair enough, I can do that.

I'm hoping that we see something from Growl today too... a beta is OK, but a release is better.

Colloquy 2.3 is Out

Wednesday, September 2nd, 2009

While it's not explicitly stated in the release notes, there's a new release of the fantastic IRC client - Colloquy, out. Version 2.3 has over 60 bug fixes and should be ready for Snow Leopard, but we'll have to wait and see.

Adium 1.4b9 is Available for Snow Leopard

Tuesday, September 1st, 2009

It's not exactly clear what the problems might be with Adium 1.3.x on Snow Leopard, but in case it's really bad, there is a 1.4 beta that's available for Snow Leopard. It too, has issues with the font rendering, it seems, but maybe that's not so bad, given the problems 1.3.x might have. Too early to tell, but if I upgrade to Snow Leopard, and Adium 1.3.x is unusable, I have an option.

UPDATE: this compatibility list says that Adium 1.3.6 is OK for Snow Leopard - good to know.

ZeusDraw 1.3.3 is Out but Snow Leopard is a Week Away

Tuesday, September 1st, 2009

I noticed that ZeusDraw was updated to 1.3.3, but that it's still not Snow Leopard ready. Something about the resolution of saving an image. The update is scheduled for net week, and I can wait for that as I don't use ZeusDraw all that much.

OsiriX 3.6 is Out with Snow Leopard Support

Tuesday, September 1st, 2009

Not surprising, as I go through the compiled lists of Snow Leopard compatibilities, I find that OsiriX has upgraded to 3.6 and is now Snow Leopard compatible. Nice. What remains to be a little puzzling is the fact that they give out a 32-bit version of the program and not a 64-bit version. Yet all the code is GPL. So, presumably, it's just a matter of compiling it.

Now I'm not that stuck on 64-bit land, as there will certainly be things that remain 32-bit for a while, but it's odd that they don't ship the 64-bit as free to show off Snow Leopard. Maybe it's still a revenue source for them. If so, good enough.

Growl 1.2b1 is Available with Snow Leopard Support

Tuesday, September 1st, 2009

OK, they have been working on it, and it's not a release, but a beta of Growl for Snow Leopard - 1.2b1 is available from the Google Code site for Growl. I'm not sure I'm going to grab it yet - I still have time before I need it as I won't be able to get to the update for another few days, but it's nice to know it's there should I find the time sooner than I expect.

Cyberduck 3.3b1 is Out – Snow Leopard Ready

Monday, August 31st, 2009

The folks working on Cyberduck have released a beta: 3.3b1 that is Snow Leopard ready. This is nice as I often use Cyberduck for file transfer and the previous version wasn't ready for 10.6. Not a major deal - still waiting for Growl and Dropbox, but getting a little bit closer with each release.