Perian 1.1.1 is Out – But it’s Tough to Get


This morning I saw that Perian 1.1.1 is out, and I tried to get it. First, through the auto-updater in Perian itself, and then directly from the Perian web site. I was stunned... it took me several hours to get the update, and in the end the auto-updater was the 'winner'.

I was stunned. I've never seen a web site under such load. I may be trying to infer causation in a correlational study, but if they are getting hit this badly from an update, they might need to get a better hoster - or maybe get more donations because this thing is big.

I'll admit, I probably never see it in action - QuickTime just works and the plugin is just that - a plugin. But I have to say I'm impressed. Go get 'em guys!