Moved to Mastodon


With the recent demise of the Twitter API for third-party clients, it was time to move to Mastodon, all I really needed was a little push from a friend, and then off we went. I will say, the native client isn't bad, and Tapbots is creating Ivory, which sounds promising, but I'm pretty pleased with Ice Cubes - an Open Source Mastodon client using SwiftUI, available on the App Store. It's not bad at all on iPad, and on iOS it's really very nice.

I still will be very interested in seeing what Ivory looks like - as I really want one client that syncs on all my devices - as Twitterrific did, and I know the Tapbots guys will make that happen. But we'll see... who knows, given that it's SwiftUI, it's possible to imagine that Ice Cubes will be on macOS too... Could be interesting.

In any case, it was the people... the community, that made Twitter nice, and they're moving, and the place won't be worth a tenth of the purchase price in a few months.