Interesting Addition to play.js


This morning, play.js had an update the allows for real-time collaboration through Code Sandbox, and I have to say, it's a very interesting development, for the development I'd like to be doing on the iPad. I have really been hoping to move more development to the iPad, and play.js is an amazing tool that I've just started to experiment with, and the idea of the collaborative sessions would be very nice to have as a teaching and support tool.

While I'd love it if there were similar iPad tools for ObjC, and Clojure, I can't complain because it's really a nice set of tools for the majority of the Node/JS and Typescript work that I do. Sure... there are npx commands that don't work because they are compiled, and so not everything is going to work today on the iPad, but quite a lot will, and the collaboration features are a nice move in that direction as well.