Excited about iTerm2 Window Restoration


This morning, I was wondering if iTerm2 had yet added the feature to restore all the window positions on restart. In the past, I used the Open Default Window Arrangement - making sure to save any changes before a restart. But there were issues with that - one, I'd forget... two, on restart, all the windows would be on the first screen, and I'd have to move them to the six (or so) screens they needed to be, and while it's not horrible, it's time-consuming.

This morning, I did a quick search to see if there was any status update on that... and I was very happy to see that when I wasn't looking, they seemed to have added that option in the Settings of iTerm2.

Go to the General -> Startup settings in iTerm2, and then select Use System Window Restoration Setting, and I should be good to go. I haven't had the chance to test it, but I'm hoping that it's going to be exactly what I want. Right down to putting the windows on the correct screens.

UPDATE: when updating the macOS 11.5.2 this morning, this worked perfectly. The windows are all in the right places, the contents of each tab (session) is still there to reivew. It's just exactly what I'd hoped for. 🙂