Sometimes I’m Really Wrong


I just got off the phone with a very good friend that helped me see something in a way that was always there, but I wasn't extending myself to see it from that point of view - and it really got me to thinking: How wrong was I really?... and the answer was: A lot. 🙂

We all live our little lives, and it's unusual to meet someone that can really see life from a few completely different perspectives. The most common way I know of is profound loss - someone recovering from the loss of a close loved one will have the ability to see life with that person, and without that person, and their perspectives will be entirely different. Grief changes most people. But that's not the only way people can have different perspectives.

I was talking to my friend, and mentioning that I was going through a tough time with some folks, and she suggested that I had it all wrong. And proceeded to tell me how wrong I was.

She pointed out that life really is what we make of it, and that I could choose to see things as how they effected me, or I could see it from a different perspective, and see that there were other ways of handling the exact same thing, and in a different way, not make it an us-vs-them situation.

I'm thankful for my friend, because it was what I needed to hear - even if I didn't want to. I need to change how I approach things... life doesn't have to be kind... there's no rule about that. But we can choose to insert kindness in what we do, and not let the kill-or-be-killed be the way we live our lives.

Sometimes I am really wrong. By a lot.

And I'm glad my friend was there to help me see it.