Fun Feature Request for iTerm2


A few days ago, I sent an email to the iTerm2 developer, and asked him the following question:

...and maybe this is a silly request, but I would really enjoy the option to put the Emoji Picker on the TouchBar of my MacBook Pro while in iTerm2… I know it’s not a Big Deal - so dragging it off/on in the customization makes sense, but there are a lot of times in my Git commit messages that I’d like to be able to toss in an emoji

and this morning I got a (surprise) response:

Thanks for pointing this out. There’s no good reason why it shouldn’t be allowed. Commit 1ae34d90f adds it. You can test in the next nightly build, due out in about an hour. In order to avoid breaking existing setups, it’s not in the default setup. You need to choose View > Customize Touch Bar to add it.

which is perfect for what I was hoping to have.

One of the best uses I've found for the TouchBar on the MacBook Pro is the Emoji Picker - as it's perfect for Instant Messaging, and Twitterrific, and at The Shop it's a big thing to have a nice, representative emoji as the first character of a pull request title. This is OK with LaunchBar, but it's not as convenient as the TouchBar Emoji Picker, and that's really what I was hoping to use it for. But until recently, iTerm2 just didn't allow it in the configuration of the TouchBar.

I am as pleased as I can be. Sounds silly, but it's nice to see that your thoughts aren't completely left-field to others. 🙂

UPDATE: the v3.4.4beta2 release has the Emoji Picker. I'm just smiling. 🙂