GitHub Codespaces Customization

GitHub Source Hosting

This morning I was able to make a stripped-down dotfiles GitHub repo that Codespaces will use when a new Docker image is created. If there is a install file in the repo, it'll be executed after cloning the repo to the new user - as specified in the Dockerfile's USER variable.

So in my Dockerfile I now have:

  # Make my user for when we really get going, and pull in my env from GitHub
  # Create the user and add him to the sudoers so that he can install more stuff
  RUN groupadd --gid $USER_GID $USERNAME \
      && useradd --uid $USER_UID --gid $USER_GID -m $USERNAME \
      && apt-get update \
      && apt-get install -y sudo \
      && echo $USERNAME ALL=\(root\) NOPASSWD:ALL > /etc/sudoers.d/$USERNAME \
      && chmod 0440 /etc/sudoers.d/$USERNAME
  # [Optional] Set the default user. Omit if you want to keep the default as root.

and that lands me in the repo's home directory, but I still have to clean up the dotfiles repo, and all the permissions from the last post. To do that, I made a simple function in my ~/.bashrc that does all that:

  # This is a simple function to cleanup the GitHub Codespace once it's been
  # created. Basically, I need to remove the left-overs of the dotfiles setup
  # and clean up the permissions on all the files.
  function cleanup () {
    pushd $HOME
    echo "cleaning up the dotfiles..."
    rm -rf dotfiles install
    echo "resetting the ownership of the workspace..."
    sudo chown -R drbob:drbob workspace
    echo "cleaning up the permissions on the workspace..."
    sudo chmod -R g-w workspace
    sudo chmod -R o-w workspace
    sudo setfacl -R -bn workspace
    echo "done"

At this point, I can launch a Codespace, it'll have all my necessary environment, and I can continue to refine it in my dotfiles repo as that's only being used for the set-up of these Codespaces. So it's easy to remove things I'll never need there, and make sure it's customized to the things that I do need there.

Very nice. 🙂