Day 12 of Coronavirus WFH


It's been a wild start to Week 3 of the shelter-in-place/WFH time, and things are slowing down to achieve a new normal that we'll have while we are all respecting the social distancing, and slowing the spread as much as possible. It's going to be a while yet, as the number of confirmed cases still appears to be accelerating, and the hospitals are still struggling, and the isolation measures are being extended. It's going to be a while.

Still... in the midst of all this, there are some really nice things to see. Some folks at The Shop are trying to keep things as "normal" as possible, and while I may not love every Pet Pic, it's nice to see people sticking together, and still having a sense of humor. And work is trying to be done, yes... slower, but still moving.

This is going to be a change for a lot of things, but it's going to get better.