Day 10 of Coronavirus WFH


Two weeks down, and it's clear from the graphs of confirmed cases by the CDC, and now the New York Times, that this is in full-swing, and it's unlikely we'll see the end of this acceleration for at least a couple of weeks, and the real safety will be months away. But that's what happens in a pandemic, so we do the best we can with what we have, and hope that the hospitals aren't over-run.

This week at The Shop was a little slower than the past week, and I've taken to marking my ToDo list weeks with the ? emoji, just to remind me of the weeks where we were all WFH and so it'd be understandable why things dropped off a little. It looks like The Shop is offering leaves for those that want it - due to sickness, or family issues - all related to what we are all going through these days. Kinda nice.

I keep busy, so it's not all bad. I'm still doing the same things, so it's nice to know that even in a pandemic, people are people, and the craziness that I've known for years didn't evaporate. 🙂