Day 5 of Coronavirus WFH


Things are really escalating now... the Governor of Illinois is talking about issuing a shelter-in-place order for the entire State. That's some serious stuff. We will still be able to go to the grocery store, and drive-thru food, etc. but the casual trips out, and the large collections of people are over for now.

This has been a little creepy for me, but I'm able to take care of things, get food, and while there is rationing happening at the grocery store: 1 gal of milk... 1 bread item... 1 paper product... it's not horrible, and the point is that it's just temporary, and as soon as the trucks and logistics get geared up, then we'll be able to see normal supply again.

But for now... it's stepped up to the next phase, and it'll be a while before things get back to normal.