Red Tuesday

Well... it's almost done. The massive bloodletting started this morning at about 9:00 am - at least that's when I found out what was going to be happening to my group. Of the six of us, only two will remain. There are similar cuts in all groups in IT and Support. It's a blood bath.

I have to admit that I'm relieved that I'm not looking for a new job right before Christmas, but I'm also feeling terribly guilty about the great friends that I've made here that will be looking for new jobs right before Christmas. I guess it's better than it happening to me, but I still don't like what's happened.

I'm guessing that the management just wanted to hurry up and get it out of the way so that they could enjoy their Christmas and not have to worry about laying people off at the first of the year. There's also the finances of letting people go now as opposed to waiting for another month to pass, but I think that's not as significant a reason as the former. Also, this lets those that are staying come to terms with their plight and try to be ready to go at the start of the year.

Yep... it's a Red Tuesday allright...