RedHat Assumes Stewardship of OpenJDK 8 and 11


Interesting, that a few days after I move off Oracle's JDKs for my laptop, RedHat announces that it's going to assume stewardship of OpenJDK 8 and 11 from Oracle. It seems that Oracle wants to get out of the enterprise java business as it moved J2EE support to the Eclipse Foundation, and this just makes it clear that they really don't want to be in the Java business - at all.

This could be that they can't make enough money on it - or that they are just more interested in GraalVM, which they control, and can be used to compile a large subset of Java code into machine code. With this control, what do they need with the OpenJDK spec? It's just weight and cost. Better to get someone else to take care of that, and get back to making money licensing what they can.

It's just sad, but all too familiar, with Oracle. Glad I moved off. I'll stick with AdoptOpenJDK until there's a reason to move.